Implicit Bias Prevention and 教育al 资源




Jennifer 爱伯哈 TED演讲

Jennifer L. 爱伯哈, 斯坦福大学的社会心理学家, explores how racial bias works and how to disrupt it.


我们都有内隐偏见. 那么我们能做些什么呢?杜肖·霍克特在TEDxMidAtlanticSalon上说




加州大学洛杉矶分校股权,多样性 & 包容内隐偏见


University of California Managing Implicit Bias



Free Online 专业发展 Curriculum

National Research 指导 Network (NRMN) Unconscious Bias Course

NRNM provides researchers across all career stages in the biomedical, 行为, clinical and social sciences with the evidence-based mentorship and professional development programming that emphasizes the benefits and challenges of diversity, 包容性与文化. The NRMN Unconscious Bias Course will help you address your personal unconscious bias, 教你微观侵犯, 提供解决方案工具包, 培养你的自我意识, and discuss bias and disparities in medicine and health care. A certificate is awarded upon completion of these modules. The course may be completed all at once or each module may be taken separately. 没有设置完成窗口, but all five modules must be completed to receive credit for the course. Each module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.  

Stanford University: VMware Women’s 领导 Innovation Lab See Bias | Block Bias Tools

The VMware Women’s 领导 Innovation Lab at Stanford University generates foundational research to advance women’s leadership by diagnosing barriers and developing and evaluating interventions to get beyond barriers, and disseminates research-based solutions by bridging the gap between research and practice. The lab has a collection of See Bias | Block Bias Tools that include diagnosing bias, 评估业绩和潜力, 块的偏见, 重新设计的, 重新定义工作视频手册, 以及一些相关的视频资源.

Hollaback! 减轻隐性偏见的八个工具研讨会

每个人都有内隐偏见. That doesn’t make us “bad people,” it just means that we have work to do. This one-hour, interactive training offered by Hollaback! will teach you how to understand and begin to undo your own implicit biases. We’ll start by learning the brain science behind implicit bias and how the part of the brain that used to protect us now holds us back. 通过民意调查, 简短的思想实验, 和日志记录, we’ll reflect on how implicit bias can show up in our actions and the impacts those biases can have on ourselves and our teams. 然后我们就卷起袖子开始工作, practicing eight concrete ways that you can begin to mitigate bias in your own life. You’ll leave more confident in your ability to see and mitigate bias. 

Government of Canada and the Canada Research Chairs Program – Unconscious Bias Training

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that unconscious bias may influence peer review and the evaluation and selection of candidates from graduate admissions through faculty hiring. 这个在线无意识偏见训练模块, 由加拿大政府提供, 解释了什么是无意识偏见, outlines how it can affect the peer review process, and suggests ways to mitigate the influence of unconscious bias. 虽然侧重于同行评议, this online module includes content that is transferable to other areas of academia including graduate admissions, 博士后的选择, 还有教师招聘.